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    This was Wholesale garden netting Suppliers an example of what later came to be known as plastic surgery. Although revived in a low key during the Mughal period, its death knell came when the British started exporting iron ore to plants in Britain rather than use it for making finished products in India as part of helping their own industry at the cost of Indian industry. The famous pillar near the Qutub Minar in Delhi dates back to 400 AD. How did the makers of the pillar manage to make an alloy with 98 per cent iron that did not rust? Why did the technological knowhow not survive? Studies of our ancient heritage show that frequent attacks by invaders like Ghaznavi and Ghori destroyed the iron industry. The details seem to be compiled by a Buddhist "hands on experimentalist" rather than a theoretical scholar. This image of science through rote learning naturally makes it a subject to be avoided!. After the destruction by Bakhtiyar Khilji the alchemists fled to Tibet and the Deccan.

    The example of plastic surgery illustrates the situation. This procedure was used not by brahmin doctors of Ayurveda but by "Koomar" caste men who, however, followed the prescribed procedure without knowing the rationale or theory behind it. The ideal situation of children learning through experiments performed by them is rare.Looking back at the history of science shows us starkly how the experimental part was missing in India. Officials of the East India Company came to know of this practice and they arranged to study it. Without such studies, the scientist will not get a proper clue to the answer he is looking for. While observing certain phenomenon he may wish to find out why it progresses in a particular way.

    Chinese scholar and tourist Hsuan Tsang has recorded that in India there was a famous Buddhist alchemist called Nagarjuna. It had wide influence extending beyond the Indian subcontinent and by 2-3 centuries AD it was translated into Persian, Arabic and Tibetan. Numerous experiments with electricity and magnetism enabled the scientists to put together an elegant set of equations that describe the observed phenomena related to these subjects. It is not surprising that they miss the thrill of doing an experiment and learning the facts themselves. A scientist may be stimulated to solve a riddle posed by nature. Why did it happen?There are numerous reasons for this reversal.

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